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Catholic School Council

Catholic School CouncilOur Lady of Fatima Catholic School Advisory Council FAQ's
School Council
What is the purpose of School Council?
The Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School Council consists of a voluntary group of parents working together in partnership with the school to develop an open, welcoming and supportive community.
When does School Council meet?  Do I have to go to every meeting?
You can attend one or all the meetings (held about ~once a month @ 6pm in the Learning Commons for approx. 1 hr.).
Can I come to a meeting if I am not on the executive of the School Council?
All parents are welcome and encouraged to come out to the meetings. You do not have to hold a position on the Executive to participate. Ideas, support and input is always welcomed.  It's always nice to get new and fresh ideas.
 Do I have to be Catholic to attend?
No, you do not need to be Catholic to attend, but you are required to be Catholic to be School Council Chair.
What goes on at a School Council meeting?
School Council meetings provide a place for parents to share their ideas, hear from other parents and learn about what's happening at Our Lady of Fatima. Reports are given from various members including the Chair, Principal, Teacher rep., and Treasurer.  
What types of events can I volunteer for? (Examples of some of the School Council sponsored events)
o Open House (held in September)
o School food events
o Fundraising Events
o End of Year Social
What if I can't volunteer at some events, do I have to volunteer for everything?
No, you choose the events or which you would like to volunteer.
Where does the fundraising money go that School Council raises?
Some examples of where the money has gone in the past include, end of the year school trips, games, special day food and treats, special events, playground, Peace Garden and other worthy school happenings.
Where can I get more info?
Call the school 613-962-2162